We are going to be down for a bit.
As you may have noticed, ReigningGames has been undergoing updates recently, and in the process a lot of functionality has broken. This is primarily to get us to newer and more secure versions of the software we rely on. However, there is another primary objective behind this - getting ReigningGames up and running again.
The last... oh, about 10 years, have been slow to say the least. I believe the last forum post was made in 2008 and nothing has happened with the site since. That is about to change. We finally have a direction we want to head in, and the first step is to take a first step. For those of you that are wondering, all forum data has been removed. All blogs, wiki articles, affiliates, and the like have been purged from our systems, and we are truly starting anew. This process will be slow.
A lot has changed since the site was last active. Web technologies have evolved. I have finished school and have a full-time job that takes much of my time. In short, I just don't have as much time as I once did. I do, however, have ideas and goals for what ReigningGames could turn in to and I will be heading in that direction as I am able to spare time to work on the site. I hope that you will join me for the ride and enjoy what the new ReigningGames has to offer as the changes begin rolling out. For the first part, I would like to introduce you to the beginnings of our new look. No longer will we be the flashy site we have been for so many years, but we are going to be going a slightly more Gothic route; in the future it will hopefully become apparent as to why.
Best, as always,